Monday, November 21, 2011


Windows 7 Taskbar - why the grey stripe?

Every so often, my normally blue Windows 7 taskbar would go greyish at the right-hand end. The extent seemed to vary - was this some graphical indication of the state of my PC? What was it telling me?

It's taken me about a year to work it out: it is a window that I have open on my right-hand screen (I have two, with the main taskbar on the left) which overlaps to the left screen. Even though there is something else in front, filling the right-hand screen, if any window overlaps the join between the screens, it will appear, semi-transparent, in front of the taskbar (but behind the clock text).

Not sure if this is something special to skinnyClock, which I run to get a clock with seconds showing, or universal. Hope it helps some other puzzled soul.

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