Saturday, February 15, 2014


Samsung N130 Netbook - upgrading from Windows XP

It seemed such a simple question to ask Samsung - how best to upgrade our N130 netbook from XP - would we be better with Windows 7 or Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 - and could they suggest which settings to adjust (eg disabling hungry Services) to achieve the best performance given the limitations of the hardware in the Netbook.

I was wrong. Their first response sounded like it was written by their legal department - they couldn't recommend doing anything. Anything I did was at my risk. Goodbye.

A second attempt did elicit one useful sentence: "Your netbook is not compatible with Windows 8, so the only option you have is to purchase a 32 bit Windows 7 operating system."

I share this for the benefit of others. If anyone has suggestions on tweaks to emulate the cut-down Windows 7 Starter (which was installed on later Netbooks, but not available to purchase), do please add comments.

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